Level 1: Thank you! You just made history!
Want to be a part of history, but you are on a tight budget? This is the perfect option!
Success is like a turtle running a marathon - slow, steady, progress is what counts! Building a world record breaking vehicle is no different - every little bit of support counts.
In addition to being part of an exciting movement and building the world's fastest (electric) motorcycle, you also get your name listed as a supporter on www.GreenEnvyRacing.com (you can opt out in the options below if you prefer to remain anonymous). If you want to support in the name of somebody else, please specify that name in a message (there is a box at the bottom of the BigCartel checkout page - you might have to scroll down to see it).
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15 % GST included for orders placed from New Zealand. Please contact us if you need an invoice showing the GST. Prices are in US dollars.